

Women Empowered

Posted on January 27 2021

How to Empower Yourself

“We must empower women (and families). If we do not lift up women (and families), everyone will fall short,” spoken by Kamala Harris and reported in ‘Quotes To Live By’ (Marie Claire Australia November 4 2020).

Empower is to make (someone) stronger and more confident especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Empowerment is part psychology and part physical experience. It comes from being fully confident in who you are and what you do, the best version of yourself. Fortunately confidence is something that can be created.  

Empowering oneself is the key to success. I believe that without mastering our own empowerment, we are falling short of our capabilities. This is a new thought process for many women. It may seem selfish to consider oneself before the long-held belief to help others first. Without empowering yourself is it truly possible to fully empower others?

Find your passion, set goals, and take action. Think positive thoughts and focus on those envisioned outcomes. Master NLP Coach and Rapid Transformational Therapist Myia Cleggett helps create empowering experiences. Myia states We attract into our lives, that which we focus on.” With processes and practise those negative thoughts, that so easily enter our minds, can be exchanged for positive ones. Myia has empowered me with her inspirational focus to create the life she desires, while empowering others to do the same. 

The physical experience is evident too. Take notice of Kamala Harris, her posture, her voice, and her dress style. Professional Image Consultant Julie Hyne states “our appearance and personal style has high stake implications for our personal effectiveness."

An outfit can boost confidence knowing you look and feel the way you want to appear. Well fitted clothing and a corporate shoe that provides surety through style, comfort and stability can enable you to stand taller and speak with assurance. It starts with a look but it is the feeling you experience that is empowering to you. 

As Marilyn Monroe was credited saying, “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”

Learn more about how to Empower yourself with Myia Cleggett @mindmotivationcoaching and Julie Hyne @JulieHyneImageConsultant

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