Louise M Empowerment Episode 1 Ria Mestiza, Australia's #1 Health and Wellness Coach 2021
"With great power comes great responsibility" is one of the common quotes that we usually hear. This quote doesn't only speak for superheroes', rather, this also applies to people that embody empowerment—the empowered individual encourages others to embody empowerment as well. As an empowered person, it is one’s responsibility to influence others and help them build their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Empowering people through personal experiences hit differently. It gives drive and inspiration for people to go for their goals and to always aim for success. In today’s episode, we are joined by Ria Mestiza, a holistic coach, and all-in-one practitioner. She is also awarded as Australia's #1 Health and Wellness coach in 2021. She will discuss the different influences she encountered in her journey as an empowered woman. She will also mention some encouragement and tips on how to influence others to embody empowerment. You will learn many things about success and empowerment from Australia's #1 influencer, herself.
Click to listen to the Louise M Empowerment Podcast on Apple with Ria Mestiza.
Podcast Transcript
Louise Matson (00:04):
Ria Mestiza is a number one health and wellness coach in Australia for 2021as featured in Yahoo Finance, sports news, and influencive magazine. She is the coach to ambitious high achievers who want control of their health bodies and a lifestyle full of confidence. She is the Founder of Fitsique Wellness and Performance and the host of 'Summon, your Superhuman' podcast, Ria teaches people how to maximize untapped inner strength and potential. She is a unique all in one health practitioner, specializing in remedial therapy, kinesiology and energy based modalities. With over 20 years experience in training and nutrition as a competitive athlete. Transforming clients and speaking to audiences all over the world, she is dedicated to impact and inspiring a life beyond expectations. Welcome Ria Mestiza.
Ria Mestiza (00:59):
Thank you, Louise. Thanks for having me.
Louise Matson (01:01):
Thanks so much for coming along. And we have had a chat before on your Summon, your Superhuman podcast, which was a lot of fun as well,, but today I want to talk about empowerment. It's a big topic at the moment, and we talk about our business journeys and how we go from A to B, and people ask, were you born an entrepreneur or became an entrepreneur later in life? And I certainly thought more that way later in life, I never even knew what it meant as a child, and didn't have those sort of ambitions as the child. Where do we get that empowerment in ourselves and to inspire others? So first of all, what's empowerment mean for you? What's your definition of empowerment?
Ria Mestiza (01:48):
Empowerment is it's a feeling for me, it's embodying this feeling of courage, strength, and power on every level, mind, body, soul, like it really, it's an overpowering, empowering, super human power, like call it what you will, but it really feels like it comes from within like the S on your chest. It's just that yeah. You feel like the world is at your feet and there's nothing that you can't do.
Louise Matson (02:26):
Yeah. And do you feel you physically stand different, you know, walk differently, present differently in yourself?
Ria Mestiza (02:36):
Yeah, absolutely. When I'm feeling empowered and I'm feeling confident and courageous, and all of those things, I definitely show that in my posture, in my speech, it is just like I said, it's just a full embodiment of that empowerment feeling.
Louise Matson (02:58):
It's interesting isn't it because, when you feel disempowered, it's the opposite, your shoulders droop and you don't feel nice in anything. And it's, it's interesting that listening to everybody's different definitions of empowerment, overall it's about confidence., however there is something slightly different for everybody. So I want to delve back into childhood because I'm trying to work out, I'm ratherintrigued, what people's childhoods were like, and did that influence them to achieve. Especially your amazing successes, that you've achieved in your adulthood, you know, did it start when you were a child or did you have to work on it later as an adult? So, let's first talk about your childhood and where you fit it in your family and did your parents make you feel as though you were heard and valued? Talk about your childhood and what you thought was going on then, if anything.
Ria Mestiza (04:06):
Sure. So I was an only child with my mum, so my dad had two sons with his previous marriage. And by the time I was born, they were adults and one was getting married and the other was already not living at home. So essentially I grew up as an only child because I was my mum's only child. Having said that, I, I don't feel like that spoiled only child, like a lot of people assume when you, they really made sure that I understood the difficulties that they had to go through through their lives. So, as a personality, when I was young and I guess trying to, you know, literally finding my feet, I think that music was something that embodied me as a child, as a young little Ria, who just, you know, wanted to groove and try to hum and sing and emulate the Jackson five, you know, or things like that and play sports
Louise Matson (05:14):
The house,
Ria Mestiza (05:17):
Play sports and what not. My mom used to always say to me that I, you know, moved to the beat of my own drum. I don't think that that was really a saying she actually grew up with, but there's definitely something she always said to me because in her eyes, and she didn't know any better, but she, she would say, why aren't you like the other kids, you know, like the other girls that, you know playing dolls and things like that. But, you know I was a bit of a tomboy. I liked to play with cars. I thought they were more interesting than playing, you know, tea sets and things. So I'd play with cars and build Lego and play sports. And, you know, that was my time with my dad as well, cause he was always working.
Ria Mestiza (06:02):
So, the dynamic was that mum wanted me to be a little princess and she dressed me as such, much to my detriment and I would kick and scream about that a lot, but I would do it to appease her and that I didn't have much choice, but also I would still, change straight out of that into a pair of shorts and into a basketball jersey and shoot hoops for hours with the boys and all sorts of other things that I thought were a lot more interesting. So she didn't stop me from doing anything, but she definitely tried to encourage me to go in a different way. Like for example, with the dancing I wanted to play, do hip hop and things like that. There was a little bit more alternative, but it wasn't as well known to her, especially back then. And she was like, what's this all about why is this like street dancing? Why do you want to do that? Uh you should do ballet. And then like, I went in and I'm like, I'm not doing ballet. I'm not wearing a tutu. So I ended up doing hip hop and we compromised most of the time.
Louise Matson (07:08):
Yes, you did feel she listened to you to an extent and both compromised
Ria Mestiza (07:14):
Look, she did make me do a lot of things I didn't want to do. Um, like I said, wearing dresses and posing for photos. Ah, no, she's a Filipino. Uh, and if you know, any Filipino women, they love taking photos. They like literally I was a little doll. She dressed me up, take me to have photos. You stand over there and next to that, do this and we would do so because she's, she's actually quite known in the Filipino community here in South Australia. She has a dance group. She's a well known choreographer of folk dancing here. So from a young age, I danced Filipino folk dancing. So I did that from a young age, which is great because in hindsight, all of those performances, you know, I was a very shy, very, very shy, young girl, very introverted.
Ria Mestiza (08:05):
I did not enjoy being out in front of crowds and things like that. And she entered me in beauty competitions, and modeling, and acting classes. She put me on stage to speak in front of crowds and I would, you know, yeah, she made me do a lot of things out of my comfort zone, which now I, I appreciate and thank her for, because that has truly molded me and enabled me to do a lot of things as an adult that I probably would not have been able to do as well.
Louise Matson (08:43):
Having the older brothers, you played sport with them and everything. Did you feel as though you were as good as them or did they make you feel as though I will play with you but don't really want to play with Ria.
Ria Mestiza (09:01):
I actually didn't really have a close relationship with my brothers in a playful sense. One of my brothers, he estranged himself from the family and the other was a professor. So I felt like if I wasn't getting a lecture from my dad, I'd be getting a lecture from him. So we weren't like buddies, but I did have a lot of boys around me that were my mum's friend's kids. And so they were around about my age or a little bit older. And actually when we used to play basketball and things like that, I was better than them. Yeah.
Ria Mestiza (09:38):
Yeah. It made you feel empowered.
Ria Mestiza (09:41):
I hated it. I hated it. And I, because I was small, I like to think of myself as average, average height but, you know, I definitely was shorter than them, but I'm fast. And I, I practiced so much that I was very skillful with the ball, so I would run circles around them and they, they hated it. Uh, but it was lots of fun for me.
Louise Matson (10:02):
Was there someone outside your family that you sort of looked up to, or, you know, gave you a sense of encouragement. There's someone outside that inspired you, or school was at school?
Ria Mestiza (10:19):
I find it difficult to think of one precise person, because at different times through my life, I think it's a lot to do with what my interests are at the time. Right. So, you know, as a young girl, I had these older boys that hung around that I hung around with. They introduced me to things of interests, like video games and sports. And so they were who I look to. And then they played music, like the first time I heard hip hop music and I'm like, what music is that? And they're like, wow, that's two black. And that's the animals like, Oh, really? And then give me a tape, you know, a cassette tape and then I'd be listening to that. And then when I wanted to do deejaying, there was a DMC champion, a world champion, a DJ that I learned how to scratch and mix vinyl from.
Ria Mestiza (11:12):
So I think from a young age, I was always looking for who was the best in what I was interested in learning and learn from them. You know so even with basketball, I don't know, it just came instinctually to me, I think, because, you know, when I wanted to learn how to play an instrument or learn how to dance, I went to an instructor, I went to a teacher. And so if I wanted to learn how to get better at a skill, I would just find who's really good at that and I even came across Tony Robbins when I was a 12 year old girl, on the internet, the internet was new then. And like, you know, I had my PC and I was like, Oh, Tony Robbins. I really, I admittedly illegally downloaded some of his stuff and I was already surrounding myself, like trying to learn from people who inspired me. Yeah. As an example, as a role model.
Louise Matson (12:09):
Incredible. That's really amazing. So, as an adult then, so you didn't seem to have a lot of influence as a child. You seem to have an inner something in you, somehow. And then as an adult you've achieved so much. How have you gathered that sort of empowerment? Is it through networking or is it again just seeking out people that you can learn from?
Ria Mestiza (12:40):
Yeah, it's definitely been that. I wish I could pinpoint where exactly I got that from. And I think, I think actually I will say my father, because he immigrated to Australia when he was 18 years old and didn't know any English, and didn't know anyone. And so he had to find a job, find a home, make a way as a young man in a new country and that's what he did, I guess, you know, he, from his example of having to knock on every, every employer's door, and learn the language and within a few months he was the one doing Italian and, interpreting for the other Italian immigrants that had come to the country. And so I was like, wow. Like I think that, that I would have to say my father because he really let me know that anything is possible. He was my example for finding work for when I moved to Melbourne to, you know, chase multiple careers simultaneously. He was the one that gave me that encouragement to know that I can do. If he could do what he did, then why couldn't I, you know, move to another state and, and chase this career and do that on the side as well. So, yeah, I would say my father.
Louise Matson (14:00):
In your bio, you have done Kinesiology and remedial therapy, so courses you've taken as well. So that gives you a real sense of self worth and value. Do you believe education, further education is a way to empower?
Ria Mestiza (14:23):
I think that education gives you that it gives you confidence in, in that recognition of, of having the statue that you can, you can attain from education, you know, it's, it gives you confidence. But I think what to, what gives you self-esteem is a different ball game. And that that's a different kind of confidence comes from experience and learning yourself who you are and getting to the core of who you are as a person, I think is, is crucial in, in highlighting not only your past successes in academics, but also highlighting who you are as a woman, as an adults. Then marrying the two together. I think that that's the epitome of success right there.
Louise Matson (15:19):
Because a lot of very successful and powerful and empowered women don't have an official education they've just learned from life experiences haven't they. With your clients. I mean, you're the number one health and wellness coach in Australia. You inspire and allow people to reach their full potential. So how do you go about that? How, what do you say and do to them for them that allows them to yeah. Be the best version of themselves?
Ria Mestiza (15:56):
I think I've always had, and this is from my mother, my mum again, is I always see the best in people and the good in people despite what other people's judgments of them might be. And so when people come to see me and they, you know, we meet and I listen, I ask questions about them. I learn who they are and it's like an interview basically, isn't it? Because you know, you're getting to know each other. It's like a first date, but at the same time, it's really about meeting them where they're at and get an understanding of where they want to be. So yeah sometimes I have, as a coach, I have actually established a goal beyond the goal because sometimes they may come in and have such low self-esteem that they think, I just want to lose a few kilos and be toned and live a healthy lifestyle. Great. But then as we sort of work together and I get to know them more, and then I start to see more potential and then start to almost like, hold the mirror up and present them with their potential to start to open their eyes up to what's more, what's more available to them than that. Then they even realise what, is available to them.
Louise Matson (17:24):
But I guess that's a bit of self doubt for them. They're feeling pretty disempowered actually. And that self doubt creeps in and yeah, it's often an outsider that actually sees the potential and gives you that boost. You know, you made a really valuable point about listening, but it's hearing what's being said isn't it, really understanding what's being said. And you know, they're saying,a few kilos, I say, a few kilos, but I mean 10! You said, I think they might start with that, but really they'd be thrilled to lose 10. They just didn't think that's possible. Yeah.
Ria Mestiza (18:07):
Well learning to read between the lines as well, you know, it's what is said, but it's what the body language says and it's about, you know, not just letting, letting one response suffice it's, it's asking as much detail trying to get as much detail as possible and then that's how you uncover true desires I suppose.
Louise Matson (18:29):
So what's a, what's a bit of a tip or a trick that you use when they, when you know that they're feeling disempowered, you know, you just said you, you read them and you feel, they're feeling pretty down about themselves. What is something that can just boost, you know, for anyone that's listening out there, but I'm feeling the same way. What would you suggest they do? That's tricky. Yeah. Is it, I mean, is it, I mean, it's, it's hard to approach someone else that's inspiring when you're feeling disempowered yourself, when you have that, self-doubt, you know, you want to be as inspiring as someone else, but you've got that self doubt. So yeah. How do you actually overcome that? I mean, it's easy to say, Oh, go and mix with people, go and mix with people you want to be like, but you don't actually feel good enough to go in and do that. So is there, is there something else that you can do?
Ria Mestiza (19:31):
Well, I try to establish, uh, a similar experience that perhaps I, I had gone through, you know, if I, if I can sense a familiarity in someone's self-doubt that I've experienced myself because even though I'm confident, I'm obviously the most confident I've, I've been in my life now, but I didn't just arrive here. I, I it's been quite a journey. I've had, you know, low self esteem, I've had, you know, moments where I thought I wasn't enough. Like we're all human. We all go through these things. So there's, there is always that common ground where we can meet and I can share an example of my story to sort of end, to help inspire that person to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So to speak, you know, I had a young girl, um, you know, she's 21 years old and she didn't see how beautiful she was.
Ria Mestiza (20:31):
And it absolutely broke my heart because one, I remember what it was like to be 21 and beautiful and not see it. And then there, she was, you know, there was like a younger me sitting on front of me saying that she didn't see it. It was almost a serendipitous, you know, it's like, you're trying to hold the mirror up and, and sh and, and, you know, and show with my authentic self and through my eyes and through my words that that just breaks my heart, that you think that of yourself, like, I, that's not what I see. And that really, that really stirred her. And, you know, we ended up talking a bit more and both getting a little bit teary eyed and emotional, and it was, but it was an, it was a beautiful moment because in that moment, she had someone that believed in her and saw beauty both outside and within that I guess maybe had not been projected to her enough.
Louise Matson (21:31):
Yeah. And it's difficult, isn't it? Because you, you try and believe in yourself so much, you know, you don't want to rely on others, but it is really nice when someone does come along and yeah. I've certainly had those people in my life and it's not usually my family. It's someone that's a bit more distant because family is sometimes too connected to you and they expect you to be a certain way, whereas, you know, to be fully yourself, it's others that actually recognize things within you. So that's really nice. I really hope that changed your client's life and she goes on from there. So, yeah. So Ria, thank you so much for chatting. How can people actually connect with you and find out more about what you do because what you do is amazing. It's inspirational and you certainly have achieved so much for your years, really. So how can people connect with you?
Ria Mestiza (22:28):
Thank you, Louise. I'm pretty easy to find, there's only one Ria Mestiza in this world and you can find me on all the socials. My company name is Fitsique Wellness and Performance. So that's how I operate as a coach, and that's where you can learn to work with me if that's something you endeavor to do. So that's www.fitsique.com.au and you'll find out more about me and my services there and what's available and what's coming and all the exciting projects that I've got coming in the works this year. So, please connect with me.
Louise Matson (23:08):
People in Adelaide. Can they come and see you personally? Or is it a lot of online things?
Speaker 2 (23:14):
Yeah. So if you're in Adelaide, you have the fortunate ability of seeing me in person on a frequently. Whereas I do work with people interstate and overseas now. So you know, last year really opened up a lot of opportunities for me, and that has definitely been one big one is expanding my ability to reach more people. So yes working one-on-one in person and, you know, even with my remedial services is something that I always want to do. I don't think that's ever something I'll not want to do because I love it so much. I love being able to heal people and help people and connect with people in real life but having said that I really love the doors and windows that have opened up in the ability to help groups of people and people all over the world. That's also something that I'm learning to really adopt and embrace. So yes, you'll see me everywhere.
Louise Matson (24:13):
Well, I mean, I've chatted to you a couple of times online, but it gives me another thing on why to go to Adelaide and not just for the wines it's to visit Ria Mestiza.
Ria Mestiza (24:23):
Yes, definitely. I'm so keen to come to Perth as soon as I can make a trip up there. Definitely.
Louise Matson (24:29):
As soon as we're confident the borders aren't going to open and shut all the time. So thanks Ria, again a beautiful chat and thank you so much for participating in my Loiuse M Empowerment series.
Ria Mestiza (24:41):
My pleasure. Thank you so much for your work and your beautiful shoes and I'll talk to you again in the future. Yeah.
Louise Matson (24:48):
Lovely. Thanks. See you Ria
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