

Top Tips to Make Your Daily Commute to Work More Productive

Posted on July 13 2019

Getting the train or bus to work every day can begin to feel monotonous and pointless. However, it doesn’t have to be a waste of time; if you use it effectively you can set yourself up to be happier and more productive at work. 

Get ready for the day

You do not necessarily have to answer your work emails, but it is a good idea to scan through them, so you know what is coming up during the day. It is also good to check your calendar, so you know what meetings you have, and to be across your deadlines.

You can then use this time to mentally prepare for the day and begin planning your tasks in order of priority.

This means that you do not need to spend half-an-hour organising yourself when you arrive at work, you can start on important tasks first thing.

Warm up your brain

You don’t have to something work-related to be productive. Playing a game that makes your brain work, such as a crossword puzzle or sudoku can help you wake up and start thinking critically. 

You can also listen to a podcast, read the news, or browse industry-related materials to keep you ahead of the game.

If you’re not naturally a morning person, this can be a good way to energise yourself before you get to the office. This way, when you get to work, your brain is ready to start working rather than feeling groggy. 

Do something you enjoy

Relaxing on your commute into work can put you in a good mood, which can have positive effects on the rest of your day. Read a book, listen to music or just focus on breathing — these things will help you walk into work ready to tackle the day, rather than already feeling stressed or tired.


Fitting some light exercise into your morning commute can increase endorphins, energise you and out you in a positive mind frame to start your day. So, why not get off the bus or train a few stops early to fit in a 15-minute walk?

Louise M Shoes specialises in stylish heels for corporate women that feature invisible comfort. This means they have the cushioning and stability to make your walk enjoyable and you will not need to bring a second pair of shoes with you on your commute.  

Self-reflect and set goals

Your daily commute is a great time to sit back with no distractions and think about your achievements, the areas of your life you’re happy with, and the things you can improve on. Then you can set realistic goals and check in to keep yourself accountable on track. 

This will not only help you stay productive at work, but also help you stay in tune with your own physical and mental wellbeing.

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